Hair – “Do” poem by mare

well, i’m on a bit of a jag about boobs this morning with the previous post with some of Maya Angelou’s wonderfully fun wisdom and comments on aging and sagging boobs. so I thought i’d post a poem I wrote in 1996, when my boobs were not sagging so much and I would have ventured to go braless more so than now, for sure. ;~)


Hair – “Do”

Never ever wear the same bra

the next day

after a haircut, for you never know

when a sliver of hair may have

snuck into a crevice of that harness,

to irritate and irritate in the most public

of itches,

and you are dying with an urge

so unconscious to scratch those mammaries,

or better yet, unwield your chest from

the fetters of customary holds, and let

freedom fall in its own way, while you

contemplate moving ever so slowly so as

not to become the superball of chests, or just

outright dance and leap down the street – letting all

know that you are woman and,


they might even admire your new “do.”





About Mare Cromwell

Mare Cromwell is a humble servant to the Great Mother. As an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, visionary, healer and award-winning author, she is here to help Love the New Earth in. Mare has studied with Native Americans elders for 26 years, and spiritually downloaded the books: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and "The Great Mother Bible". Her life of surrender was activated in 2012 when Mother’s energy and consciousness were brought into Mare’s soul body in a ceremony with a Native elder. Promptly after the ceremony, Mare heard Mother’s voice very clearly and she has been guided closely since. She leads the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid and the Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors – Global Grid. She also teaches the “Great Mother Love Way”. Mare has just launched a new non-profit called “The Great Mother Love Way”.
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