Braddock Creek, WV – Fall Photo – by Tim Dicke

Barrack Creek, WV. Photo (c) Tim Dicke

About Mare Cromwell

Mare Cromwell is a humble servant to the Great Mother. As an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, visionary, healer and award-winning author, she is here to help Love the New Earth in. Mare has studied with Native Americans elders for 26 years, and spiritually downloaded the books: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and "The Great Mother Bible". Her life of surrender was activated in 2012 when Mother’s energy and consciousness were brought into Mare’s soul body in a ceremony with a Native elder. Promptly after the ceremony, Mare heard Mother’s voice very clearly and she has been guided closely since. She leads the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid and the Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors – Global Grid. She also teaches the “Great Mother Love Way”. Mare has just launched a new non-profit called “The Great Mother Love Way”.
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2 Responses to Braddock Creek, WV – Fall Photo – by Tim Dicke

  1. Phila says:

    Mare, the images on your blog just keep growing more glorious! Bravo to you and your amazing circle of artist friends!

  2. Thank you, Phila. I’m blessed with photographer friends who don’t mind me posting their glorious work. And I’m blessed with you and our friendship and your tremendous gifts too!
    love, love to you!

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